Dear Arch****!
*free trade will increas botting and hacking
This has always existed, and always will, educate the community, if you have no demand for botting and hacking, their will be no botting and hacking.
*more arguments will ocur causing a wave of virtual crime abuse and hatred
Arguments don't cause virtual crime, abuse, maybe hatred, but the point is virtual crime, always has been here, and is part of the game in a whole, every unrestricted virtual community has these problems, so you are basically complaining about a given.
*the games economy will be in ruins for several months before being reastablished
Not true, the Grand Exchange will still exist, just without price limits, it will be inflated for a while, but that is no problem, other then that it just will cause the deflation of high tier goods from bots.
*you will loose custoumers and more importantly break many small childrens hearts
This isn't a childrens game, deal with it, this is a game meant for the teenage community, if you can't deal with heart break don't play the game.
People consider this think of what the changes will do to others not your self others matter just as mutch so pleas hear there opinions as well dont just yell your own you have to consider everyone thankyou.
You as well, consider us veteran players opinions, we made the game what it is today, without us, the game would have never came to existence, Jagex owes that to us, so you consider our opinions!
01-Jan-2011 00:55:55