"Think about it. The first amendment of the Bill of Rights in our U.S. ****titution protects freedom of speech. However, one is entitled to freedom to an extent to where they can't say "BOMB!" or "FIRE!" because it can cause a great public disturbance. So, in runescape, if i was to yell, "DROPPING 50m In the wild! Quitting!" and it so happens there is some full dragoner with rune full body in the premisis. If this man enters the wild to see this "50m" that was maybe based off of his greed, I the one who expressed my freedom of speech should be banned. For banning somebody for saying things that can easily be ignored, or gibberish, is abridgment of the freedom of speech us humans are entitled to! Banning people who lured other people is taking away our freedom of speech because just because we said "im dropping 50k sharks in the wild," or "im dropping 10m," and we did not force anybody to enter that wild, why should I as the lurerer be at fault?"
and I replied to that. Think before you write please.
Also, I think your name should be bannable too.
31-Dec-2010 10:17:31