Once the new PvP things came out, pking lost all purpose to me and my friends because there was no longer a point.
For example: A guy with full bandos and a godsword walks into the wilderness. Your mates and you all jump him and take him down in a multi area. You would think you would be excited to bring down someone with so much value of gear on them. But to your dismay you figure out that all the guy dropped was about 100k of loot. And not only this, but you can't divide that loot amongst your mates who helped you kill the guy in the first place.
I truly miss that feeling of whoever has the kill helps distribute the loot among those who helped kill. Pking with others was destroyed once the update came out. No longer was there any reason to go Pking unless it was only for yourself and by yourself.
30-Dec-2010 16:59:24