So if the game returns to the way it was, how will Jagex keep people from rwt? People keep saying they can but don't elaborate on how. It happens even now, so why should we think it won't happen more without trade limits?
Why will making the wildy pk on more worlds be any better than using pvp worlds for those people who are interested in pking? It seems to me that if people *want* to be at risk of being pk'd then they would just use those worlds more often.
Finally, why do so many of the people that support it sound so irrational. The most offensive messages I have seen here are telling people who don't want the change to shut up. Honestly, if they didn't seem so fanatical I might actually be convinced to support it. It's just that I see this all the time in the game as it is. One player being rude to another and trying to steal kills for "fun." I can't imagine what it is going to be like to let those same people loose in wildy in the same areas where others are trying to get real things done.
What is so fun about taking away other peoples ability to have fun?
The pvp worlds exist for a reason, to pk other people. Why should we shell out money to Jagex if they are going to make the parts of the game we do like more like the parts of the game that we don't like? Dueling is fun, but not when the other person is being rude. Watching people brag about how great they are if they kill you when all you are holding is a pick because you can no longer risk wearing armour to go mining is nothing short of annoying. It certainly doesn't add anything fun to the game from my perspective.
Has anyone even considered how crowded the GWD and blues are going to become if the wildy goes pk?
22-Dec-2010 18:52:01