
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 374 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Clinging Ivy:
Remove my message you corrupted from your post.
If you want to vote yes, go click on the petition some more. But don't take the tiniest ways we have to express our opinions and turn it into 'Yes propaganda'*
<><><><><>< GIVE US WHO OPPOSE A VOICE! <><><><><><>

22-Dec-2010 17:20:28

May Member 2009


Posts: 1,298 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'Then why do we still have so many bots?'
I myself rarely see bots. The only bots I've encountered are mining essence and the occasional bot fishing. The volume of bots has been on a steady decline for a while now, I'm sure you can agree with that, and with every new wave of bots, Jagex have found a way to remove the old ones and are already removing the new ones. Bots will still be around, that is inevitable, but it's how hard and how much that Jagex are fighting them and how well they are doing in fighting them that we must focus on.

PS: Need Medics, please don't try and steal my signature again.
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°›¸.................Wild Sentret Appeared!......,¸¸¸„‹•*° .........¨*•¸..'›.,¸¸¸„‹•*˜¨*•¸
.....°›„¸¸¸›„¸¸¸°›„¸¸¸°›„¸¸¸„›„¸¸¸°›„¸¸¸°›„¸¸¸„‹•*° ..........˜°*•›.,¸¸¸,‹'...............‹,¸¸,‹'
The Patron Saint of Noobs


22-Dec-2010 17:20:29 - Last edited on 22-Dec-2010 17:21:27 by Weeby



Posts: 106 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wild is still dangerous. Revs. Maybe it's not like before (where a six person team would take down an unarmed runecrafter-so honourable!) but at least it wasn't unbalanced. Like I said, people who want to make money pkilling have a place for that, if all the worlds get the old wildy back, it takes away the option of a non-pkilling environment*
<><><><><>< GIVE US WHO OPPOSE A VOICE! <><><><><><>

22-Dec-2010 17:22:45

Bit Ranqe

Bit Ranqe

Posts: 72 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
YES FINALLY! Wildernerr is supposed to be dangerous, and trade limit is just ridiculous. To NOT get scammed, you are supposed to watch carefully if there are items that you wanted to buy. Revenants arent really making wild any dangerous, it was players that made it. Many players has waited years and years hoping this to gome back, and now it is possibility so w00t! :)
<><><><> GIVE US WHO WANT CHANGE A VOICE <><><><><>

22-Dec-2010 17:23:19



Posts: 18,232 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It was not a copyrighted signature therefore i am able to use the same pattern to improve mine for those who feel the answer should be used to
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<><><><> GIVE US WHO WANT CHANGE A VOICE <><><><><>
You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch

You really are a heel

Mister Grinch!

22-Dec-2010 17:25:24



Posts: 2,380 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First. I am NOT a pker. I have never successfully pked ANYONE in my life. I've tried a few times, but I failed miserably.
As I recall, my first experience with the wilderness came back in Runescape classic. I ventured north of Varrock in my full black armor, carrying a steel sword. I had no idea that such a thing as "runite metal" existed. And to my utter astonishment and horror, as I walked across the wilderness border into level 1 Wilderness, someone ran up and hit DOUBLE DIGITS on me. I had never heard of such a thing. I died promptly, as you could not run in the first 3 rounds of combat back then.
Things never looked up for me. I made a few "pure accounts" and attempted to pk a few times on my "main". I was terrible on all of them.
But you know what? Runescape lost something the day they changed the wilderness. It lost the danger and the mystery. Even as a non-pker, nothing brought me a greater thrill than venturing to Black Knight's fortress in level 17 Wilderness to kill Dark Warriors for their black med helmet drops. (Yes, I was quite a noob. But I had fun!) All the while avoiding people trying to kill me. It was a blast! It got my heart racing.
So even for all those people who say "I never pk, it doesn't matter to me" think again. The atmosphere of the entire game took a turn for the worse the day that update was made.
Lastly, I want Jagex understand just how much respect I have for them for putting such a monumental decision in the hands of the players. Regardless of whether the vote turns out in my favor.

22-Dec-2010 17:27:16

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 1,116 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@weng pretty sure edge - zamorak mage isnt multi and pkers never really went in there so...... also no pkers dont have anywhere to make money off pking.
2 regular rune set deaths for a pker is around 1.2m loss or so
The same pker could kill 10+ people and not make that 1.2m back.
The only people the loot system atm makes money for is the losers who 76k b/c they cant pk.

22-Dec-2010 17:27:37



Posts: 106 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's fair to want to say that you want the full 50m drop for the 50m drop-however Jagex doesn't want players to have too much money as evidenced by the gp-draining skills summoning and con. I don't think it's possible to bring it back without the gp levels getting out of control.
And if we want to get into levels, my cb is only 120, but I have over 2k in skills, the areas I enjoy more. This is not a combat-only game like Call of Duty, it's mixed. Some of us like to play heavier on the skills and only get levels up to get more slayer drops to support skilling. Don't tell me my point is any less valid because I'm not a 138.

22-Dec-2010 17:27:49

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