SLW you have to remember that jagex were the ones most effected by RWT, you can bet on the fact that theyve put serious thought into it. and as for scammers, its the person's fault if they are stupid enough to get scammed.
@ zero
I agree with most of your post but as for scamming, there are hundreds of new players a day on runescape, and with free trade friends will be giving these new players money, and like you, me and anyone else when there new, that new player is gonna have no idea that going into wildy with your money is gonna be a bad thing.
@ Christo
Ive answered this question several times tonight, noone knows the exact date of the update, jagex keeps release dates of there updates secret. The release could be tmrw or a month from now.
@purr of course they will, theres the wilderness ditch. and theres the huge flash warning you get before you go over it that clearly says "this is the wilderness and you can lose items here" if they dont read it. then let them die.
bro they wont tell you lol, and if you did happen to get a response from a mod (which is highly unlikely) their going to tell you that the update will be in the near future.