Agent B MiB
You say runescape isnt about pking, but yet there are more pkers than RCers.
you said:
"its about having fun and proving that you have what it takes to be good at it.having high levels in rc does just that."
No, thats not true. Runescape isnt about proving that you have what it takes be to good at it. what ever "it" means.
Runescape is played by most for fun. simple as that.
People set thier own goals, weather its being the worlds greatest RCer, or the worlds greatest Pker.
Pker's train multiple skills on multiple accounts, bring big attractions to the game with pk videos that inspire others to get out and train, become stronger and show the wilderness what they have to offer.
How many RCers make entertaining videos? How many people make multiple accounts to RC?
13-Jan-2011 22:24:02