Dark pwnes said:
"And when did Runescape become a place to PK?
If you want to PK, go to private servers, and just train skills here!
If you want to PK here, go to bounty worlds!!!"
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Since your a 07' Prod who missed out on the game before the update, lemme enlighten you.
The game was MENT for pking. Atleast for the clear majority of runescape**
*** on private servers? Jagex is working to shut those down. They're a waste of time as it doesnt effect your real runescape account. Just train skills here? I have 99 attack, strenght, range, HP, and 95 mage.
Ive trained my skills long enough and im waiting for the wilderness to return so I get my training's worth from pking.
I do pk in bounty worlds, but they offer no reward. why would i risk my items with 0 EP? why would i wait 15 mins to gain EP when im suppose to be spending 15 mins pking.
Bounty worlds and PvP worlds are corrupt, and although they are unique and will be missed to some extent, the old wilderness returning is how it should be.
13-Jan-2011 19:08:26