@Dave Dave75
"Johney - as right as you may think you are, you have not grasped all the consequences. Have you considered prayer? I remember farming drags before 08, and i lost money because of green drag pkers. I didn't mind pking at all, and i did do it a fair bit on pures and things like that, but dragon bones were out of the question back then. "
What do you mean "grasped all the consequences"? im not gona sit here and list every possible problem and a response to it when after 2 pages, no one will see it. Its a waste of time.
You must think im right in most regards for you to be telling me what I think.
Anyway, bones prices didnt go up because of a "guilded alter x update". Bone prices went up because of the add of new prayers.
With Soul Split and Turmoil being so high leveled, there was a drastic demand in bones, and lack of supply. Because of that bone prices continued to go up. Before then, bone prices werent worth much as far as i know.
KDB? People still went there back then, and they will continue going there now. Either way, who cares? before the visage and dfs, KDB wasnt worth killing.
D2H? again... who cares?
There was nothing wrong with the old wilderness, athough it was not perfect.
try to stop trolling.
06-Jan-2011 23:46:38