This would be my first time posting in the forums for anything. Personally, I don't care if the old wild comes back or not, I hardly ever go there to begin with. I leave it to everyone else to vote on that.
I like to use the GE for my trades and I think that is a good system to keep around for the simple purpose that I don't have to wait around for anyone who is selling what I need. I think that some of the prices in the GE have spiked compared to what they used to be a few years ago, so I can see where bringing back free trade would make a slight difference.
So my input for suggestions to adjust to bringing back old lines of coding:
Fix for Wild: Add a button to toggle between a combatant and non-combatant that can only be activated before entering the wild. This way people who are doing clue scrolls, bone collecting, or whatever it is they do, cannot pk, or be pked. But somehow leave killing things like dragons a possibility.
Fix for Free Trade: Didn't really read up to see if the GE was going to be removed due to free trade, but I think it should continue to be here and have the average price from free trade as the GE prices. Perhaps maybe a gift button on the trade menu that doesn't effect trade prices to counter the effect that would be caused by those who are liking the idea of giving free gifts to friends.
05-Jan-2011 14:11:36