"Fate TBA dragon (e) bolts are only 6,609 each thats about twice as much as casting blood barrage?
and since when did they care what your wearing they see a dot they attack hoping your drop sharks or food or a glory.
or did you forget player killers run out of food sometimes so they need more food and the easiest way to get more food is to 2 hit ko someone easy"
Whoops, my bad. I forgot that barrage always hit, and that dragon bolt's always speced on the first hit, and that an inventory of food was worth trying to kill someone...
wait a minute.... none of those things are true...
so... what have you done here, you've singled out RC pkers as the sole reason that the wilderness and free trade shouldn't be brought back?
I for one stake, because I *ant my opponent to know exactly what he/she is up against before I take their money.
Your arguments are terrible, your logic isn't, and you are a noob who doesn't understand what hes talking about.
what's the current price of flax?
03-Jan-2011 17:57:39