Been reading through the forums... why do people assume that a) people only make throwaway accounts to vote yes and b) Jagex can't detect that. There are strong opinions both ways on this, and I'm fairly sure that people are trying to stuff the ballot both ways, and therefore balancing each other out. Secondly, less than a million people have voted and the vote has been out for a while now. Perhaps Jagex has some system in place to filter out spam votes (e.g. tracking what an account does before validating its vote). Maybe, just maybe, Jagex managed to do a fair vote this time. Also, I know a lot of old players are interested in this. My friends and I played years ago, but mostly stopped when the wilderness was taken out. Once it was announced we all got on with our old accounts and voted for it, because it revitalized our interest in Runescape. The wilderness is pretty much the end game content, especially for free to plays that don't have much else to do once they get to level 60 (or even less) in most skills.
03-Jan-2011 17:48:16