For the past few months I've been troubleshooting how to login to my old runescape account I made with runescape 2. The last time I logged into that account was in 2009, so I've missed a lot of updates. I tried logging into rs with my old account, zaira12. I remembered the ******** and everything. When I clicked "Account" at the top of the home page, I tried typing putting my username to zaira12, but it told me that it was already taken. Confused, I just typed in zaira98 and that has been my account name for the past few months.
Logging in, I use my old username (zaira12) and ********, but in the actual game, it switches to the new account name (zaira98) with a completely new account. The new account recognizes my old friend list, but not my old skill levels or items in the bank. This is strange because on the runescape companion app, I have all of my previous items in the bank
my friends list?
All I want to do is access my old account on old school runescape as it was when I left it. I haven't logged in for a long time (7 years), so I have missed a ton of updates and additions/subtractions to the game. Can someone help me find a way to play on my old account.
19-Jun-2015 21:37:18