
please read asap account statu Thread is locked

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19-Jun-2015 19:43:06

Feb Member 2023


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Typically account offenses expire after 1 year, so as long as you're extra careful not to break any rules (especially serious ones such as botting and real world trading) you'll be okay. After a year, the offenses will expire and your account will go back into the "green".

In the future, it's best to only create one thread about a problem you are having and not multiple threads as that only causes spam. Also, for safety reasons, you probably don't want to post links on the forums. ;)

Hope that helps. If you have more questions, you can reply here: Account Help We'll respond to you there as soon as we see it! :)

"The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind
may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled."
~Andrew Carnegie

19-Jun-2015 19:57:01

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