"Told you not to put that egg in the incubator"
"Have you seen what that woman behind us is wearing"
"This is certainly a curious potion"
"You do have 500 life points, right?"
"I told you not to drink it all at once"
"Where did my health bar g... oh right"
"Don't worry, I still have half my health"
"I though you said "nothing interesting happens""
"Sorry, but why can't I use my knife on you?"
"Can I go now?"
"I told you not to look back"
"You did see the dragon die, right?"
"I told not ordinary chicken could lay that egg!"
"Look at the size of that health bar"
"I told you to keep it down, guthix isn't gunna be happy!"
"It's meant to be fancy dress"
"What did you say about being unstoppable?"
"Why doesn't someone stop that guy ruining all our plans"
"I told you that you couldn't rely on respawning."
"Let's hope that thing doesn't respawn!"
23-Dec-2010 16:29:57