Mrs Usagi
: I appreciate you sharing your concerns, and seeing how I moderated the thread you reported, a reply from me would only be fair. I have to stress that I by no means am a regular in the specific section, although I do lurk around at times.
If we approach the now locked thread, you'll see that the OP clearly gives permission to
previous owner, should they request it. If you head to page two, you'll see this happening (one day after it was re-posted). It is my understanding that the two have attempted to find a solution in-game since then, but to no avail; hence the report here a few days ago. And yes, full disclosure seeing how you noted the timestamps too, I was poked in-game regarding both that and another thread.
It is of course unfortunate that something which could have been solved within 24 hours lasted this long, and I very much understand why it may appear the way you describe. Please rest assured that this is not favouritism, nor has the previous owner's request to repost the thread occurred weeks after the initial repost. Please also be advised that I've spoken with both parties in-game to ensure we got a working solution moving forward.
Of course, if you disagree with my actions or my reply above, you're the most welcome to post on the Forum Moderator Review thread as suggested on the previous page.
Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone