@ Aurioux - Although I'm not sure that was what was intended, something Mod Kalaya posted last spring on the Looking For Founders sticky can be interpreted as allowing that extra thread. As such, no action has been taken on those types of threads. This is only the third thread of that type that I've seen since Kalaya made that post, so it has not become a large issue at this point.
I am keeping an eye on the situation and should it become a larger issue, I will ask Kalaya for clarification on her statement and look for possible alternatives. In the meantime, on that same post, Mod Kalaya did encourage clans to start a discussion in either the Clan Leader's or Website & Forums Forum to come up with acceptable ways to advertise open admin positions. I am not aware if that was done or not, but if you have Clan Leader Forum access, you might want to see if anything ever came of that.