This thread is specifically for reporting forum related offences and/or change requests to a thread of yours (title changes, locks etc). However, I'll try and offer some advice based on what you've posted.
We would never condone violence regardless of whether it was feasible or not. If you feel as though someone is attempting to hijack your account, please run a full scan of your computer using anti-virus software, as well as a malware scan.
Malwarebytes is a good piece of software that can pick up things an anti virus may not (e.g Avast / AVG).
After running a complete scan of your computer and have removed any threats (should there be any) and you've ensured your computer is safe, I would recommend the following steps:
1) Ensure that your account has a
registered email
address and that email account is secure, if you already have this in place, perhaps change the email account's password. It's also always a benefit to have 2-Step Verification in place if your email account offers it (Gmail is a good choice as it has this 2-Step Verification - Preventing any new access to the account unless authorised with a code sent to your phone for example)
2) Enable the
on your account as in doing so means access to your account can only be granted via trusted sources from confirming a unique code - (e.g You can get the Authenticator app for your phone)
3) Update your account password if you feel someone may have got hold of it.
As long as your computer is safe from any malicious software, you have a secure email address registered to your account and you have Authenticator enabled, you should be absolutely fine!