Rev The Wiz
Uhm, how is this thread in Community Home when it was not created nor moved by a J Mod? There isn't an option for "New Thread" either.
That forum was temporarily opened to player threads as a trial. Unfortunately it didn't go too well, so the button was removed once again.
Tymerc and Morgan, this thread is for players to report problems that have occurred in the forums. Using this thread to pass editorial remarks about the content or validity of another player's report is neither welcome nor appropriate.
Before you both post in this thread again, please read the first post on page one. Limit future reports to that content. If there is a problem with another player's conduct, please report him/her in-game.
Starks, as you are not the thread author, your request cannot be fulfilled. If the author wishes to use the code, then the request needs to be made by him/her here.