KnightedSoul, Fmods have no jurisdiction on the private clan forums. That is something only JMods can moderate.
If there is a post there which is a serious violation of the rules, you will wish to use the clan forum's highlight ability to bring the post to the attention of Jagex who can action it if necessary.
I'm afraid I really don't know where your bobble head pet might have gone.
It may be best to create a thread in the General forum to ask - your fellow players may know where to find it. This thread is really meant for reporting rule breaking so your best chance at getting an answer would be to create a thread to ask the larger forum audience.
Miss Kizmo, it looks like you have a stray formatting tag - either one that isn't closed, or isn't correct (looks like where you attempt to italicize). If you fix that the formatting should be correct.