While you are welcome to report instances of rule breaking on this thread, there is no need to add an editorial to your reports. Let's simply follow the template on page 1 for reporting instances here in the future please.
Posting on Forum Help to say F-Mods "forgot" to look at your report and hide it when we are done is not appropriate. As per page 1, posts being looking into are hidden. Posting this sort of message or a repost of the the report to yield the result you want is considered F-Mod shopping, which is not welcome. Please avoid this also.
Additionally, in your reports, please do not ask moderators to ban a player. This is not done upon request. F-Mods follow the guidelines set forth by Jagex, so the moderator looking at the report will make the determination, without being asked to. If however you wish to have a title changed, thread locked (that you author), or perhaps a thread move, then those are things you can request. Let's leave the moderating to the moderators.