Great work raising 50k everyone! The three stooges made it soo much fun to watch the live stream Mod Dean, Mod Whalefish, and Mod Deg you three are hilarious.
And of course Mod Grumpy Polo Shirt made it fun to watch too. lol
jagex mod can you help me a glitch toke my dharok set and 10m out of my account today it happened can you plz help me get it back that will be really helpful hope you can help me soon from durial964
An amazing effort from everyone who took part in this!
I feel proud to have donated £40 towards such an amazing charity! Thank you especially to Mod Mark for the shout-out!
W00ters 4 life
Arguing with morons is like playing chess with a pigeon: even if they lose, they just knock over the pieces, **** on the board and strut around like they won.
jagex mod can you help me a glitch toke my dharok set and 10m out of my account today it happened can you plz help me get it back that will be really helpful hope you can help me soon from durial964
This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the live stream. Please take your problem elsewhere.
Hope you get your stuff back nonetheless
Arguing with morons is like playing chess with a pigeon: even if they lose, they just knock over the pieces, **** on the board and strut around like they won.