Fully support. I think that you should aim to keep double xp weekend schedule unpredictable, so that all the whiners who had not hoarded enough merchandise by the time of the announcement will be unable to do so in the future too!
1) Does the bonus xp apply to the cremation ability?
It did not last time. (OTOH, cremation is about 2.5 x prayer and 1.5 x firemaking experience per bone, and you don't need to run to a POH constantly, which is a pretty sweet deal already.)
Abyssal Dawn
Couple of questions:
1) Does the bonus xp apply to the cremation ability?
It did not last time. (OTOH, cremation is about 2.5 x prayer and 1.5 x firemaking experience per bone, and you don't need to run to a POH constantly, which is a pretty sweet deal already.)
Cremation didn't
last time. (Not that I expect it to have double xp work on it.)