You simply need to use the orb, it doesn't have to be in your hands or anything.
The idea behind the competition is to allow you to be be as creative as possible without the limitations of the regular camera
Mod Jon
RuneScape Community Management
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |
Mod Jon
Livestream & Video Producer
- @JagexJon
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |
F u w a
Can there be text in it?!
Mod Jon
all entries are to be submitted
(Yes that means no Paint, Photoshop or any other image altering tool!)
(Don't worry, if you like the idea of this competition, there will be more like this in the future where photo editing will be encouraged!)
Adding text would count towards :
You can still use your chat to speak whenever your Orb is active though.
RuneFest yet?
24-Nov-2014 18:43:54
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24-Nov-2014 18:51:14
Patrick K
Lord Marshal
Well, I didn't alter the picture itself although in Paint I cut out the browser and all tabs I had opened when taking the picture. Is that a problem?
I assume he meant what I originally did and actually added effects to the photo such as applying colors and text where my RuneScape orb-selfie did not directly allow
. I would expect that your photo cropping is just fine.
- Ornery Onions -
Prioritizing inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that need it.
Mod Jon
Yeah photo cropping is fine, I just didn't want any funky effects, added text everywhere or Pictures of Nicholas Cage somewhere in the background
TLDR: Cropping is fine
Or Mod Jon in a Tutu - well I wouldn't mind one of them
just email me @...
25-Nov-2014 10:00:02
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25-Nov-2014 10:02:30
Lady Deluxe