My question is still unanswered, so I'll ask it again.
You're also allowed to add a brief description to the mail? well I can't say much, but it will be necessary in my case. My art level is 1 and some text would make it a lot clearer.
Alright, i've re sent my image with my runsecape name and screen name including that i made it with photoshop, it's only quick remember it's a concept not a piece of art!!!
Seeing as it'll just be words on a t-shirt, but I can come up with loads, can I just post the phrasing in quotes e.g.
"5K pl0x" (a good one from my friend's clan) or do I have to get a piccy of a t-shirt (choose your colour: you're paying) and put it on there?
Unless it's artwork, don't see much point in t'latter.
Curious very Curious.
I shall have to enter.
*Starts thinking of concept*
Lead Developer on the fansite RuneHints (@runehints)
RF 2011 & 2014 & 2015 Attendee
happy birthday jagex
tip for ppl who have an idea but cant draw with paint or just haven't got the skills to draw:
if you can work with sony vegas or after effects, you can make pictures of ppl ingame and greenscreen them. so if you win, the dessiners will know better how the concept should look like.
i just got this awsome idea hanging in my head and i'll try making it with this tecnique.
GL evry1!
Been a long time, happy B-day!
I was kinda hoping for bunny ears & scythe to be tradeable haha :p or something special atleast, a new rare item that is tradeable.
new kind of phats..