Middle dude to left dude
UDE!!! you messed up our pirate costumes. red and black!..... then again it might be better withyou than him
*points to guy on the right*
"And so he says, 'You need a Sailing Skill of 42 to sail that boat.'"
"And people wonder why we do graphic updates of character models..."
"6th age construction material, polysyntheic plastics, contact your local housing agent."
"#0000FF (blue) is the new #000000 (black)."
3 noobs in 3 red bandanas - the CM team
You're wearing my bandana!
now ive gotta sell mine on EeBay
One with his legs open, another covering the bit in between, and the third inviting peeks inside
Round 2:
"They made their boat out of mithril. Needless to say, it did not go well."
""It's alright guys, I've slain hundreds of dragons before. This should be a cakewalk.""
""So what you're saying is, is that its actually not a dragon?""