"Them white boots are made for boating"
"Dude, you gonna share or what?"
"I think that bottle is over it's expiration date.."
"I'm not sure whether your headband is too tight or the booze just kicked in."
"Consolation price of the day: red headbands."
"So, are we agreed this is what the ninja monkeys should look like?"
"Ok, who drank all the overloads?"
"Jagex's elite bug-busting squad"
(Mod in the middle) "I once pwned a dragon with my level 231 main noobs!"
"OMG sailing!"
^ (reckon that ones been done already)
Middle guy: "So i herd u liek mudkipz"
Couldn't resist that one.
Middle guy: "'Ere, matey, 'ave some o' the good stuff"
Blue shirt guy: "Sorry, my inventory is full."