Grats on the promotion!
Although it is sad to see old friends, jmods go... it's nice to see new fresh concepts, ideas, and designs.
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
Hey Lewis!
Welcome to the Community Management team, I look forward to seeing the bar bring majorly raised from where it previously was now that you have taken over the position.
Hope to see you around the forums and lulz at Mark H... coffee on mah desk plz!
Talia Mi - <Insert Something Witty Here>
Few pointers for MMH's coffee:
- Extra super hot - Let the boiling water boil even MORE.
- Lots of sugar. I mean LOTS.
- Use a cup without a handle.
Oh, you can also replace the actual coffee with koolaid, yes, boiling grape koolaid with sugar.
Welcome Mod Lewis R!
*Hands basket of goodies*
I'll look forward to seeing more of you around the community
Just your friendly neighborhood team player.
I have to agree with Moe and Mythic...
I am very curious to hear the changes you have (if any) for the volunteer moderator program.
I like the fact that Are you community focused is gone? I think that will bring a more positive aspect to the forums and game. It is a great start and I cannot wait to hear what else you have in store.
Talia Mi - <Insert Something Witty Here>