I love it when you do these later events Neena. Looking forward to Vinesweeper later this week and will be happy to help others learn the ropes to this addictive game.
Thanks for attending everyone. Special thanks to Mod Lyon, Mod Curse and Mod Hannes for joining us for the Heist event. <3
Sorry to hear you can't make these events, I will be attending the Trouble Brewing event tomorrow at 11am BST if you are able to make that?
We now have a new member of CM who will be keen to do a few events I'm sure. Once he's settled in, between us there will be a variety of events at different times.
- Mod Neena -
Community Manager
Thanks guys
Happy to be here and looking forward to events with you too!
Mod Jon
Livestream & Video Producer
- @JagexJon
| Tea | Scape | Sleep | Repeat |