In reading the first post I'm having a hard time concluding if this a 24 hour or 48 hour duration. Is this running from the 1st until the 2nd, or through the 2nd?
MyName Is Ok
Maybe a stupid question but do bones on gilded altar also give double xp? I thought it did right?
There are no stupid questions!
If you use a gilded altar you will gain 450 xp (250%) for a frost dragon bone instead of 180 xp (100%) when you bury them. If you use the 2 burners you will gain 630 xp (350%). Ectofundus however gives 4x the xp of the bone; so you will gain 720 xp / bone.
i was just wondering cause there rumours going round does Double XP Weekend work on prayer as well or not
Offering bones onto a gilded altar won't change over the weekend, so you'll gain the same amount of XP as you normally would (check out the FAQ linked on the first post for more information).
Rob Zombie
All these people complaining and whining about another weekend of some free extra xp don't seem to realize that they aren't being forced to play if they don't like it. It's only for two days. If you don't agree with this double xp weekend that's fine. I'm sure you can restrain yourself from playing for two days.
we're complaining because players like myself had to work extra hard pre-eoc training our skills without all the overload of free xp every damn day. Now we're getting too many double xp events its become rediculous. Im sure you'd be annoyed aswell if you had put so many hours into your skills, then jagex throws all your work into the dirt and give everyone else double xp, and free items from TH and raffles. This is why oldschool rs is better.
I got almost all my xp and stats "the hard way" years ago.
I do not begrudge other people having it easier or quicker.
It's all about having fun playing the game, irrespective of the bits & bobs that go with it. I don't feel at all betrayed or thrown down into the dirt.
Such a selfish and grumpypants attitude! There's many more skills now to grind than there were 'in the old days', if it were not for perks like this we'd all be here forever working at it. Not to mention the folk going for 200m in certain skills, the Completionists and so on.
^ I agree with Catweazle
Just because one person isn't pleased doesn't mean you should be so angry over other players with a different view on double xp weekends or wanting to make the most of it, we're all entitled to our ways of play but being judgemental because you did something one way and others did it another is not very nice.
Even if I hated the idea of Xp weekends, I'd not want to ruin it for others, heck I got several of my lvls through hard work Pre-EOC but I'm not going to destroy the idea of double Xp or EoC for others just because I worked hard for my lvls pre-EoC, because at the end of the day, most of us are playing to enjoy the game not 'be better or the harder worker'.
Personally though, once I win these silverhawk boots I'll be utilising double exp weekend with them because I absolutely dislike doing the agility skill.