Angel Savior
It's meant to stop placeholder accounts to steal names and sit on them... It was done really poorly though. Should have been 1000 total or 15m+ exp total...
Hi Hi Froggie, come here let me kiss you, (turn Prince Froggie) but I like your name
A typical Runescape player has +1600 total, how is 1k not a good requirement?
If you don't have +1k total, you obviously don't care. New players only care about gameplay not names like veterans. You're angry because you couldn't hoard, that's all.
Angel Savior
It's meant to stop placeholder accounts to steal names and sit on them... It was done really poorly though. Should have been 1000 total or 15m+ exp total...
Hi Hi Froggie, come here let me kiss you, (turn Prince Froggie) but I like your name
Pey Rangel
so why is there the limit of 1000 levels and not an an exception to people who have years playing and have a acc with only combat which wont exceed 1000 levels any chance you add name change allowed to people who created their account months/years ago
Because people like to hoard names. How is it fair if someone just makes a fresh lvl 3 and takes up a name that probably thousands of people want and then will never be able to get?I have so many alts that were made 6+ years ago that are under 1k total that I could have just abused that and took a whole buncha names. Actually think about what you're saying.