Mod Jd
It would be nice if Jagex spent more time on their own forums than mucking about on Social media websites.
Do you not think it's a bit unfair to force players into social media (which many are uncomfortable with; as it either results in them exposing personal details or having to manage numerous media accounts)? Players miss out on so much unless they use social media - stuff like sneak peaks at content should be on your website first, not social media....
The Cold One
Leader of
(2100+ Clan)
[BA] Games Design Student
Nobody's forcing anybody to use any platform if they don't want to or don't feel comfortable doing so.
And we make a point of posting all the sneak peaks we have (Treasure Hunter prizes, updates (whether they're images or videos), and engagement opportunities) on the forums first, or as humanly possible as we can to the source platform. This is one of the things I feel really strongly about, because as you say, they should go there first.
Unfortunately, our forums don't allow things like video uploads, so Vine teasers (as in the recent Legacy teasers), have to be uploaded a couple of minutes before we can embed them into a forum post. But we're working on synchronising them as best we can.
Why was the 2014 independence day event update posted on social media sites but not on the forums or news section? The response from J Mods was that the event was planned to be a "secret" update spread by word of mouth.
If you get your RS news from the official RS social media outlets (e.g. Runescape's Facebook) then this was not secret. If you get RS news from the official website, then this was secret. What gives?
To make it truly secret and fair, all official RS news outlets shouldn't have advertised it then...
08-Jul-2014 22:54:20
- Last edited on
09-Jul-2014 15:18:26
I have to admit the logic in your pictures are immensely logical
! Keep up the good work and maybe one day, we can have a Social Media party/gathering!
Old forum user.