
Moderation Review Thread Thread is locked

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27-Aug-2014 02:03:54

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27-Aug-2014 02:41:19

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27-Aug-2014 07:28:27

Mod Selfie

Mod Selfie

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Samurai 2005 – The question you posted isn’t relating to the update, but is relating to future plans, as stated by the forum moderator.

Godwish – I have liaised with the rest of the team and have decided that this will be allowed. I will contact you over the next couple of days once I have spoken to the moderation team about this.

Finance – As above.

Lady Zion – I have already reviewed your case, please do not make multiple posts about it.

Waltthesalt – Don’t troll thank you.

Lady Zion – You’ve created 4 posts, none of which contain a QFC and the last of which is nothing related to this. Please make sure that you are sticking to the guidelines on the first post.

Jardur – The decision is correct. Reread the first post of that thread then read where the conversation had headed on page 2 and 3. It’s strayed away from the topic at hand.

A F K ing – I need specific QFCs before I can perform a full investigation.

Halo 2 – As above, if you are submitting a decision for review, I need you to provide me with some examples.

Pyjama Spam – You created a thread to argue with a decision made by the moderation team which isn’t permitted – you were then given an explanation on that thread as to why your original thread and that thread were both locked. To the thread you’re contesting though, we aren’t going to revert the changes made, if you’d like to provide constructive feedback on combat, we have areas on the forums where you can do this.

Windsofnight – It’s not a request I’ve ever seen before and not something I think that we should be allowing.

Zelda – There shouldn’t be any specific requirements to unlock a piece of music. The thread being locked is correct as after sending a bug report there isn’t much else you can do.

Finance – Taken care of.

EpicHaze – Follow the advice offered by Mod Balance and Tufftypower.

Drgoosey – The thread had gone massively off topic and had become spammy and full of flaming. Whilst your initial post was probably meant in a nice way, joining in the spam and calling others names such as “mother*******” isn’t acceptable. The decision was correct.

The rest shall follow soon.

Mod Selfie
Community Management
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27-Aug-2014 14:12:11

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27-Aug-2014 17:00:10

Mod Selfie

Mod Selfie

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Mini Finbarr – I’ve read through the entirety of your thread – it is a suggestion thread. To quote some parts that reinforce this “My first suggestion would be”, “I would also like”, “The minigame itself should be”, “Finally, I would like to see”. You’re also asking for other player’s suggestions.

Jokku23 – I'll allow this to be recreated. Mention as a footnote that I've deemed it OK to be operated whilst I communicate this to the moderation team.

Lady Zion – The decision was correct. Can I also remind you that this thread is for disputing decisions only – you don’t need to create 3 posts about one incident.

Sanotsuto – A logical, reasoned debate is perfectly fine on the forums. Your post did very little to allow the debate to continue and I personally could very easily see the thread turning sour from that point onwards. However, I don’t know the full story of that particular update for OSRS as it’s not my department so there is a chance I am missing something. At this time however, I will not be overruling the decision made.

Shaunzie – The OP had created multiple threads on this matter. While that particular post didn’t contain much in the way of ‘whining’, previous threads had done.

Pot of Herbs – I have already reviewed this, the forum ban was escalated to Jagex staff and I deemed the action to be correct.

Brferg55 – This is spam. Decision is correct.

Straumur – There appears to have been some confusion here. The original quest which featured the TokTz-Ket-Dill was released over a year before the Dragon pickaxe. Would you rather we had a team of robotic sounding moderators to be on the forums, or some people with personality? I’m sure there’s no malicious intent. It’s worth noting that the thread could’ve been locked right away and the moderator could’ve instructed for the OP to send in a bug report, but she instead chose to try and help.

A8 – I cannot see any evidence or examples of this moderator having a personal grudge against you. If you can provide me with clear examples, then I can investigate this for you fully.

Daviddd – I assume you’re intending to report this to the moderation team? In which case, you’re in the wrong thread for that.

Lady Zion – The moderator was not trying to play the game – they were moderating.

Up to date! :)

Mod Selfie
Community Management
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27-Aug-2014 17:36:02 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2014 17:36:15 by Mod Selfie

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27-Aug-2014 22:36:19

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27-Aug-2014 22:45:49

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27-Aug-2014 23:58:14

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28-Aug-2014 00:07:05

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