Obi Jango Jr
Dune 2k
Sorry Jagex but you don't deserve my vote.
This 100%! I would go so far as to vote for their competitors but I'm not sure whether or not I want to give out my email address.
The day after they release yet another of their micro-transaction promotion, a new tradeable rare of all things, and they think that they have earned our respect enough for us to vote for them!?!? I hope that they don't win.
You should only vote for the competitor streams if you actually watched those streams and thought they were better.
Ok, everyone needs to remember this is about their live stream and NOT about their work on RuneScape.
So don't go around saying you're not voting because they ruined the game or other game related stuff as, I repeat, this is about the live stream of an event.
Since the live stream was live at multiple points with different presentations of runefest, and streaming for a whole day, I would say they deserve the votes.
Once again - do not make your vote based on game related work please as this is not about that.
It's still Jagex though. People are probably ashamed to admit playing.
Ok, everyone needs to remember this is about their live stream and NOT about their work on RuneScape.
So don't go around saying you're not voting because they ruined the game or other game related stuff as, I repeat, this is about the live stream of an event.
Since the live stream was live at multiple points with different presentations of runefest, and streaming for a whole day, I would say they deserve the votes.
Once again - do not make your vote based on game related work please as this is not about that.
It's still Jagex though. People are probably ashamed to admit playing.
You can vote anonymously by entering false information on sign-up, if you are for some reason ashamed, people don't have to know.
My name is
Guardian of Gielinor
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
23-May-2014 14:16:41
- Last edited on
23-May-2014 14:17:02
Ok, everyone needs to remember this is about their live stream and NOT about their work on RuneScape.
So don't go around saying you're not voting because they ruined the game or other game related stuff as, I repeat, this is about the live stream of an event.
Since the live stream was live at multiple points with different presentations of runefest, and streaming for a whole day, I would say they deserve the votes.
Once again - do not make your vote based on game related work please as this is not about that.
It's still Jagex though. People are probably ashamed to admit playing.
You can vote anonymously by entering false information on sign-up, if you are for some reason ashamed, people don't have to know.
Oh, i'm sure i could. But i'm extremely depressive, i stopped caring about letting people i talk to in real life know i play this long ago anyway but others might feel that way.
don't tell me what's the best webcast you ignorant jagex, i'll decide for myself
It's fine to express your opinion about how you are not voting.
But that's just rude... they are asking for our help, not demanding it!
Inb4 "free item from diango if you vote for us!" or pet Grooving Gecko from Solomon's
Maybe not, but I think we can expect a freebie if it wins
Just figured i'd get that out there either way
subliminal messaging.