Slayer & Combat Weekend
This weekend's the first of our RuneScape Road Trip bonus events, focused around Slayer and Combat . From 01:00 BST on the 3rd of May until 00:59 BST on the 5th of May, members will enjoy a whole bunch of benefits geared at making combat even more rewarding.
Here's a full list of the bonuses on offer this weekend:
- Double slayer points.
- +50% base Slayer XP.
- Expanded drop tables for Kalphite King, Vorago, Giant Mole and Barrows - Rise of the Six.
- All charm drops offer an extra charm.
- Double amounts of all rare drops, and the ring of wealth doubles in effectiveness.
Gear up, set your sights on the meanest beast you can handle, and enjoy extra XP and loads of lovely loot all weekend.
Have fun, and be sure to check in with your fellow warriors here on the forums!
The RuneScape Team
Social Media Challenges
To accompany the RuneScape Road Trip, we're also hosting a series of fun RuneScape Social Media Road Trip Challenges !
Over the course of May, there’ll be seven challenges to complete, taking you on your very own voyage of discovery across RuneScape’s various social media offerings, from our long-established Facebook page to the new horizons of Vine.
If you complete three of our seven challenges, you’ll be rewarded with an exclusive ‘stamp’ you can put on top of your various social media avatars to indicate you’re a RuneScape social media adventurer. Finish all seven and you’ll get something very special.
This week - until Sunday 11th May - your challenges are:
- Follow us on Twitter ( @RuneScape ), and to tweet us - using the hashtag #RuneScapeRoadTrip - your favourite RuneScape memory.
- Take a screenshot of you doing something awesome in-game for our special Pinterest board, which will be created after we’ve received all the entries.
- To ‘like’ us on Facebook , and ‘share’ your favourite post on there.
When you’ve done each one, take a screenshot, and save it to your ‘scrapbook’ (i.e. a folder on your computer) to show us at the end of May. We’ll ask you to do the same for each of the challenges, and submit your entries to [email protected] come the end of May.
We’ll be telling you the next two challenges next week!
Good luck, and happy adventuring!
The RuneScape Community Team

02-May-2014 16:48:33 - Last edited on 03-May-2014 13:10:52 by Mod Easty