mod slayer confirmed that there are no double specific rare drops just rdt drops however there is a 50% greater chance of receiving a specific rare drop from a monster over the weekend.
Would anybody like to co-op slay with me? (i really want a pet
My timezone is GMT+1
PM me ingame if you'd like to duo
194 Combat
99 Strength
99 Attack
93 Defence
95 Magic
86 Ranged
88 Summoning
95 Prayer
88 Slayer
You're joking right. You claim that you guys read our forum posts and are aware of issues, yet when given the perfect opportunity (aka a news post about this weekend's event), you fail to answer the question about double rare drops.
Thanks for leaving the economy is disarray. It's unbelievable to me that you guys can't clarify one simple line of text, even when the event is just hours away from starting.
Have some patience. The J-Mods might be too busy sorting out the event to answer. I'm sure we'll get an answer when the event starts, at least.