I am on EST time, and like many people from my time zone have posted before me, the hours are just ridiculous. I understand that the J Mods are doing this out of their own free time but I would like to make a suggestion. Instead of doing the same times everyday, why not, atleast once a week, make this an all day event? We could have a couple of J Mods logged on & stamping passports for a hour or so and then switching J Mods. This way, J Mods are free in case they too have a life to attend to outside of Runescape. Of course this would require a lot of J Mods to participant and someone keeping a schedule. Another suggestion would be doing different hours every day. I know the times for May 2nd are 10 am & 3 pm. On May 3rd, you could do 11 am & 4 pm. Then on May 4th 12 pm & 5pm, etc. That way people from other time zones will atleast have one shot of getting a task stamp, which, if the hours stay the same as they are now, is more than I would have gotten stamped even if it is just once. It just seems that people in other time zones are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to this event.
That being said, I did want to take this time to thank the J Mods that are spending their time stamping. Remember, even if you do miss the J Mods sessions, you still have the opportunity to complete a task a day on your own. I am thankful for the xp lamps, as I know Runescape did not have to have this event at all.
02-May-2014 05:38:51