Not very happy. don't get me wrong. I think the JMods are doing a great job stamping everyone's journal. But why, Today Wednesday 1.00PM or 5.00PM. Some of us do work for a living. I cannot make either JMod stamping session. Not very happy because I can't get all rewards after 10 days.
i'm pretty sure, no matter what time they had it at, someone somewhere would be at work/school.
that is why there are quite a lot of random/unofficial stampings, you just need to look for them (can look here or twitter or one of the FC's)
ich schreib frech auf deutsch, englisch ist nicht meins^^
vielen herzlichen dank an die jmods!
ich musste immer nur kurz warten
und ein kleiner tipp an die ungeduldigen:
übt euch mal in geduld/patience und steht einfach mal still !!! lol
I write sassy German, English is not mine ^ ^
many many thanks to the J-Mods!
I always had to wait only briefly
and a small tip to the impatient:
exercises you once in patience / patience and is just resting! lol