I cannot believe these choices. I do not think they could present us with a more difficult vote. These are incredible submissions, each of which I would love to see in game. I would venture to say that more than one of the submissions should be implemented. Firstly because one submission will bring in profit, two or three will bring in more profit still. We want all the pets, they get the money. Everyone goes home happy. Secondly, after coming this far it would be an amazing feeling for these artists to see their work actualized into a game.
~Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope
*salivates from the cuteness and the fact its FLOATING ON A CLOUD*
there is no mercy, no discussion and no parley.
it must be the panda.
(edit) will it make Torchlight style squeak sounds when we click it :3 (an update I think all pets should have is making more passive sounds/sounds when clicked).
tbh I love the peacock aswell
sounds gorgeous (I would have high standards on how crystalline it must look though, light reflections blinding me and stuff) xD