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Just to clarify - double XP will be for all skills (including Summoning). Bonus XP is
, you will not earn bonus XP during the weekend. POH Altars will give double the base XP, this is
than the normal buff received by Altars. Outfits do buff your XP.
its looking more like double xp will win, if so will lamps provide double xp as well? i want to know if i should save them or just use them?
it has never been labeled as double xp, usually bonus exp, and new players who just started runescape don't know anything about the past. in the past double summoning didn't even work until the last event. u cant go off of old event, especially when a lot of people have yet to have a double exp weekend. thats a terrible reasoning on "why we should know"
Amazzzing!!! Im hoping it really is 2x xp straight through the whole weekend with no caps. Omg ill be drinking so much redbull and eating chips and salsa like crazy haha.
I plan on doing summoning and dungeoneering. Thanks for this poll Jagex and thanks to everyone that voted double xp!!!
My question is will there be a cap to how much experience you can gain? Or will the 2x experience last all day for each day of the event?
I'm incredibly glad Jagex is giving us the option of Double exp or drops rather than just doing one, even though it is obvious we would pick. Thanks! Also, I plan to donate a bit for charity during this time. Just a suggestion, Jagex should keep the well open for a bit after the event ends, so that people don't have to waste "exp time" to donate money