Well since the staff at Twitter haven't answered me since I asked them a few months ago, I'll try my luck here.
So this is just a general Twitter question (I'm not too good in finding my way on Twitter)
Here's the deal, my twitter wall gets spammed with posts from people I don't know or don't follow, but they use links to pages/people I do follow.
So for example :
I follow RuneScape (@RuneScape)
RandomBob541 tweets : I FREAKING LOVE @RuneScape!
For starters, I have NO IDEA who this person is and I could care less.
SO, I DO NOT want this guy's posts appearing on my news, is there any way I can
turn this off or something?
My news is filled with this stuff, it's so hateful.
15-Jan-2014 23:32:12