Are you aware of how the recent Castle Wars update affected the Castle Wars Community? In case you are not, the recent addition of "re-routing" around barricades and making it so you can no longer place barricades on bridges has really hurt the overall game for veteran players. Is it possible you could help shed some light onto why this has happened? And even better, is it possible for you to get someone to try and work on fixing this?
silentc0re plz help me with this little problem I have tryed so hard to try and play runescape classic but because it was closed I cant plz help me or tell someone of jagex about this problem because I love rsc and I cant play it and so cant lots of people thank you for listening to my comments and I appreciate your decision.
A bit of a late congraz haha im hardly ever on forums. But i am curious. isnt the "legendary glitches" exploiting a bug? not hating or anything it seriously did spark my head though lol