It's unfair to restrict the content of this thread to hearty welcomes and mild complaints. It's on this thread he is introduced, and so it is on this thread we receive him. Filtering out the negative reception that otherwise falls well into the rules is extremely abusive of the Fmods.
Jagex has called this the year of the players. What's the point of listening with open ears if our mouths are silenced? The community is not fairly recognized when censored like this.
So Wreck3d's already admitted to the accusations. We KNOW those hateful things came from him. To point out his wrongdoings is not libel. He's still done a whole lot of bad even if we ignore his (alleged) RWT, private server, and participation in the botting community.
In just the last couple of months he's proven himself to be impulsive, immature, abusive, temperamental, racist, and disrespectful. In his latest video addressing this behavior, he tried to play the pity card. So Wreck3d is completely full of himself. He believes he is the victim and therefore his behavior is excusable.
It's not.
A professional position comes with a professional responsibility. He's an irresponsible time bomb. The community has every right to complain about who is representing them when they act as he has. We can't be forced into liking him. Personally, I believe respect is mutual. He's done absolutely nothing to earn any in my eyes. I want that to be heard. I do not welcome his leadership.
20-Aug-2013 01:25:24