You said yourself you don't even know if it is him or not, so why even post about it?! Get off this thread if you are just going on the hate train. People like you make me *facedesk*
You said yourself you don't even know if it is him or not, so why even post about it?! Get off this thread if you are just going on the hate train. People like you make me *facedesk*
Below is a mature rated post, with slightly hilariously rated comments, that might just be a bit on the high tide level of esclation.
For that I apologize! ;D
I'm not jumping on "The Hate Train" and it's funny cause people like you who judge another human being, without truly knowing them is honestly upsetting in other words 'Right Back At You' Get off this thread. Keep on smashing your face on your desk until you wake up. I'm simply stating my opinion on whats going on, don't you dare make the focus on me you invertible plasmatic bird-brain.
To add, I'm not the one who started all of this drama, nor uploaded any videos regarding it. Simply giving my two-cents worth of what I find disturbing about the video that I was led too.
Comments like yours can easily upset me and anyone to be honest. Do us all a favor and hit logout.
*Puts Nails on Your Desk*
Go Ahead, Continue to Facedesk.
18-Aug-2013 17:05:01
- Last edited on
18-Aug-2013 17:29:01
Cool Mr 4
You may want to reread your post. You said yourself that judging people without knowing them is upsetting... and yet you even admitted that you judged so wreck3d without even knowing him. I'll just leave it at that, and hopefully you can stop insulting me
^ Well this escalated quickly.
It deserved to escalate as quickly, I don't take things lightly when somebody calls out my posts, and tells me to get off a thread. It really is just unwanted in my waking up on the right side of the bed mood.
On regards about Sowreck3d and on topic, if he still becomes a
Jagex Mod
than so be it. I refuse to allow someone to label my words as a "Boarding a HATE Train" It's the drama train.
Cool Mr 4
^ Well this escalated quickly.
It deserved to escalate as quickly, I don't take things lightly when somebody calls out my posts, and tells me to get off a thread. It really is just unwanted in my waking up on the right side of the bed mood.
On regards about Sowreck3d and on topic, if he still becomes a
Jagex Mod
than so be it. I refuse to allow someone to label my words as a "Boarding a HATE Train" It's the drama train.
You may want to reread your post. You said yourself that judging people without knowing them is upsetting... and yet you even admitted that you judged so wreck3d without even knowing him. I'll just leave it at that, and hopefully you can stop insulting me
You must go back one page and re-read, and realize that I did not judge mod matt at all. I was simply stating that it might be disturbing if the events that were shown on the video iv watched and so many others now, were true.
Get it?
Everything I know about Wreck3d is based off the video that was shown in this thread. I never said I was judging him, and I most certainly did little judgement upon Mod Matt.
Ps. Sorry for the invertible bird brain comment, I badly wanted an excuse to say that. xD
18-Aug-2013 17:15:13
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18-Aug-2013 17:21:23
Cool Mr 4
Well you did judge me, but I'll forgive you for that. I guess I'm just mad at all the people that are hating on Wreck3d. If that video is true though, then I wouldn't like him either.
Well you did judge me, but I'll forgive you for that. I guess I'm just mad at all the people that are hating on Wreck3d. If that video is true though, then I wouldn't like him either.
It's understandable for fans of any channel, to defend one's status.
Admirable indeed! - Judgement upon those who judge the unjudging.
I forgive you for thinking that I judged wrecked, as if I knew him for a long time. My posts were basically empty vials with undirected wind passing under the kalibarian seas.
;D Have a good day! Regardless of what happened on page 40, alas it shall be forgotten all in due time.