I personally love everything you have done with the treasure trails. I consider myself a bit of a treasure trail scholar, and I'll keep on doing them until I finally get that third age =]
But there's one thing that really bothers me. I do the trails and I never really complain about the rewards, I know how it is random, more or less, what you receive in the end. But those composite bows... What's up with them? I mean their stats arent that great, With the ability to sight mage longs now, I wouldnt even consider using a mage comp. And since their stats arent impressive maybe their look could be redone? I think the bows in Daemonheim are AMAZING!!! Maybe a take on those? But the main gist is that I believe there needs to be some feeling of accomplishment for getting them. I can be positive about biscuits, sweets, runes, and teleports. But the comp bows... =[
27-Sep-2010 11:52:10