As time goes along, will most clue information such as the rewards, time taken to solve the clue and supplies used, and things like requirements ever show to anyone other then yourself? Like in the adventurers log, but visible to other people. This is would be a big advantage to some people, and I would really like to know, would this ever be a possibility?
Kind regards,
I Project I
Do you have any future plans to make the SP + OR for anymore armours (Eg: 3rd age, Battle robes, Infinity Robes etc.)
Iced Earth \m/
Clan Leader for
Destined Few
Hi Mod Maylea,
Just wanted to give a bit of a different perspective.
Love the TT update. I think the ratio of rare items is fine. If Elite clues were faster to get or had guaranteed rare items each clue they would no longer be elite.
Have had a ball just doing lvl 1 clue scrolls lately, the guarantee of a TT item in each reward has really livened up doing these quick to get and fast to solve scrolls. Yesterday ( a very lucky day) out of (I believe it was 6-8) scrolls I received: Ancient page 1, Zammy robe bottom and a wig. Still hoping for a pair of flairs of my own
Other items though not of the same monetary value were fun as well. Sure there were a couple of duds: 285gp and a few runes for example but it just makes getting those special rewards more..um...special
I feel players using clue scrolls as money makers is what is causing most of the complaints****'s should just be for the fun of the hunt and the occasional super reward.
I love the slider puzzles in other lvl clues by the way, if you understand how to to them (which is quite simple) and know what the picture is they are not a problem.
So now for something I would like to perhaps be considered.
Is it at all possible for implings in Puro Puro to have more
random spawn areas. You constantly have players camped at the corners waiting for the higher implings to spawn. I may have been hunting Puro Puro in the same world for an hour or two and here come the world hopping campers that get the spawns you had hoped for. I don't want to sit and wait in a specific area, not much fun that. If Dragon and Kinglys spawned more randomly it would give the honest hunters more of a chance to run into one and deter camping, world hopping thugs. I have no problem with players that have been hunting in the same world with me finding those special implings, just with the greedy so and sos.
Why are Bisquits not tradable?
Anyway, great job on SC, Impetuous Implings and the TT
27-Sep-2010 19:55:54
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27-Sep-2010 20:02:46
We players would love to feel special and proud from completing an Elite Clue scroll What i would like to know if you guys can make it more Original since overall it is called an ELITE Clue To not just give us Items but also make players stand out more such as if complete the clue get a (UNIQUE)emotes. That would be nice
and another thing givin Non members more armor such as making BANDOS,and Armadyl f2p come on they have no armor and we member dont use RUNE...as we have bigger and better choices of armor... idunno what you guys think...
I have a few questions involving Third-age and its obtain rate from clues.
The drop rate of Third-age armour has been disputed since its release. Many have quoted Paul Gower as saying the chance of receiving Third-age armour from a clue is about 1 in 10,000. Can you confirm or debunk this figure for the sake of finally discovering the truth behind the obtain rate of Third-age?
Also, is the obtain rate of Third-age druidic the same as or higher than the obtain rate for the other armours? Seeing as druidic is an elite clue item set, it can be assumed that since the scroll itself is very rare, that the chance of obtaining it from a treasure trail is significantly higher to counterbalance the rarity of the scroll.
~Esquire Fox~
27-Sep-2010 20:00:45
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27-Sep-2010 20:01:36
Esquire Fox
First off
1: Whats the Rarity of God/Guilded armor from Lvl 3 clue rewards?
2: Whats the Rarity of a Chromatic Dragon mask compared to a Metal/Black/Frost dragon mask?
3: Will we get stilts in-game. Stilts rock! Maybe an Emote? Or new boots.
4: Will we get cool Rendered Feet effects like example
If we had 'Flame boots'
When we walk, flames follow us as we walk. Due to ZBuffering I think this is possible.
Is there any chance of full armor sets being released as TT items for the various animals? Like wolves and sheeps clothing? Or maybe a penguin suit? I personally think they are rather incomplete with just the masks.
The chicken gets a costume set! Everyone has killed a cow if not trained their first few levels on cows alone! WHERE IS THE COW-Y LOVE?!
27-Sep-2010 20:07:19
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27-Sep-2010 20:16:21