Well the 2nd event went a lot more smoothly - far less lag thanks to lack of cannons/familiars/etc..though solomons pets still don't help/get in the way (wanna finish that pet update already? Updating interfaces to make room for solomons pets at the cost of inconvenience for every single player that doesn't use them is a bit ridiculous - the majority get a bunch of extra options that never go away and will never be used...at the top of the list at that too); the world itself is less laggy/lower latency too for the vast majority..unfortunately the 3rd event will be on a members world again, so I'm somewhat expecting a ton of lag much like the 1st one due to cannons/familiars/pets/etc everywhere.
Overall, I'm not really expecting all that much - there's not really much conversation beyond the codes/runecoin stuff, which is rather disappointing, and the lag combined with spawns is counter-productive for most people, at least on members worlds where the lag is already particularly severe...I suppose on the upside, the lag doesn't matter much if you don't care for the codes, though it does still take away from the celebratory atmosphere quite a bit...though, the masses after runecoins harm it more tbh...that's just how the majority of the RS community is these days I guess.
12-Jan-2013 19:02:28