Bloodpouncer FAQ
When will the bloodpouncer be leaping into game?
To bait the bloodpouncer onto your account, all you need to do is redeem a red game card or a 90/100 day membership card on your account between 20th December 2012 and the 31st January 2013. Remember that you need to redeem the higher denomination red card, or a 90/100 day card - worth £20 (UK), $25 (USA), €25(EU) or $40 (AU/NZ)
Is the offer available in my country? Which retailers are participating?
The offer is available in all countries where game cards are available, and you can purchase the cards from any retailers found on the store locator page!
I want to get the bloodpouncer, but I don’t want to cancel my recurring subscription!
No worries – you can leave your subscription exactly as it is. If you decide to redeem membership with your card, it will simply be added onto your current total of membership credit, and you won’t be rebilled until you’re about to run out of membership again.
I’m having trouble redeeming my card – help!
The best place to go to get back on track is the awesomely all-encompassing Billing Help Wiki ! Simply look for RuneScape Game Card Payments , which can be found under Section 4. Payments .
Of course, our crack team of Billing Support experts are always on hand to answer any questions you might have. We’re even ready to face down the terrifying bloodpouncer!
Head over to the Contact Us page to get in touch!
Ok, so I’ve redeemed my card, but I can’t find my bloodpouncer?
After you’ve redeemed your red or 90/100 day card, just head into game and your bloodpouncer will be ready and waiting in your Customization Interface!
I can’t get hold of a game card, but I really want a bloodpouncer!
The bloodpouncer will be available to all adventurers in Solomon’s General store at some point in the future. To be ahead of the crowd, we recommend you find yourself a game card to unlock the bloodpouncer during the promotion! Check back with Solomon regularly to see when he’s managed to catch one for you!
What can the bloodpouncer do?
You mean, apart from look awesome? The bloodpouncer is able to forage, pick up drops and bank items like the new blazehound and skypouncer pets!
17-Dec-2012 17:52:41 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2012 21:45:02 by Mod Kalaya