I've always been more for Guthix, but such chaos is illogical!
Dusk Dawns as Day recedes...
To hear the doomed, fated pleas
But it's just begun; they're just the seeds
They'll infect the world, have it fall to its knees
Unless we fight; stop them here
Ensure their task is incomplete
Purge with light; end the fear
Punish them for their conceit
Let's raise the shields, rally the troops
Be ready to fight, until it's done
Muster our strength; Gather our groups..
There's much to do and it's just begun!
We'll fight till the end.. though our lives are priceless..
We fight with the knowledge that our cause is righteous!
We'll show that there is more to our cause than the trivialities of 'right' and 'wrong'..
We fight for freedom, peace, opportunities for all....
A chaotic world where nobody can be trusted..
It'd be increasingly difficult to find worthy lab assistants there...
I can't let this happen! For Valor, Victory.. and the other 'V' word!
*cackles maniacally, but in a good, righteous way*
18-Oct-2012 23:26:46