Team Heinous destroys homes, takes the lives of the innocent peace loving people, children and womens, all that for your own selfish personal gain!
Team Heinous mark my words: We will finish you all when we meet on the battlefield!
#Team Righteous
Damn, I'm not very in touch with my evil side this day.
At least not to the point where it's forum appropriate.
So I'll just leave you with this...
Let's be sure to spread evil across the lands faster than the plague spread through Europe. :3
Arrr! Only th' Devil an' I know th' where'bouts o' me treasure, an' th' one o' us who lives th' longes' should take i' all.
The great and powerful Goddess of Destruction, Amascut here, to pledge my allegiance to the side of the darkness! ALL HAIL TEAM HEINOUS!
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan